Spring is without a doubt my favorite season. After a long, cold, and dark winter, it feels so good to be out in the sun. Right now the leaves on the trees are just starting to bud, flowers are blooming everywhere, and I feel like summer is right around the corner.

In a few weeks, I’m hosting some of my closest friends in our house garden a dinner party. Although it won’t be anything too fancy, I’m planning on serving a few special recipes like these absolutely delicious Zomick’s challah rolls, which have been everyone’s favorite ever since I first made them a couple of years ago.

Challah is usually made from enriched yeast dough, which means it has more fat and sugar than traditional yeast dough. Challah rolls are super soft and delicate, but the ones I make following Zomick’s challah recipe are super tender and full of so much flavor. So far I have tried dozens of roll recipes, but Zomick’s challah rolls are hands down my top choice. They’re not any harder to make than other rolls, but they’re just so pretty and feel a little fancy. They’re perfect for any dinner, social gathering, or party you have coming up!

Rich, tender, and baked in a regular baking dish, challah rolls are always a big hit at my dinner parties. They are so versatile, which makes them the perfect bread to serve alongside a special dinner. Soft and rich challah rolls baked into little knots are perfect for any occasion!

There is also another bonus to making Zomick’s challah rolls at home, and that’s the absolutely delightful smell that fills the house. The smell of fresh bread to me is better than cookies. So, if you’re also thinking about hosting a dinner party for your friends or your family, baking a batch of fresh challah rolls is just the thing you need. Trust me, the smell alone will enrapture your guests the minute they walk through the front door.

If for some reason, you end up with some leftovers, which I highly doubt, you can always store them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days, or you can also put them in the freezer as they can stay frozen for up to 2 months.


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